Can black magic win a general election?
When George and Laura Bush decide to weigh in on the Demoncratic race, my thoughts tend to race. The other day, Laura Bush promoted a key reason for Clinton's White House run, saying her predecessor's experience as first lady would be "very helpful" in the Oval Office. Hmmm. Bush agreed with her. Uh Oh.
I've also heard Newt Gingrich speak extensively about the former first lady, suggesting she was the toughest candidate the Republicans could face. Likewise, at a major Republican annual get together this past summer, leaders of the Republican party were openly HOPING Clinton would be the nominee. They were salavating and planning their attack. To them, no other candidates existed on the Democratic platform and they were like kids in a candy shop.
Oh, Geeze. When an opposing party wants an individual to get the nomination, there is a problem.
Clinton is a devisive figure, to be nice about it. She voted for the war, and has messaged her position ever since, trying to bring it in line with public opinion. Obama, on the other hand, has been against the war from the start. Her health care fiasco during the Clinton years leaves her open to redicule. Whitewater could rear it's ugly head, in say October 2008. You think you're bored with Bush bashing, wait until people can sink their teeth into a Clinton campaign -- Vince Foster, Hillarycare, Filegate, and Monica Lewinski will be back in our national lexicon. NO MAKE IT STOP! It's WORSE than being blasted by Markey Marc and the Funkey Bunch in a cold cell in Gitmo while being waterboarded.
I'm not sure I'm ready to vote for such a polarizing figure. True, she has achievements: child health care, women's health, and Vital Voices. She speaks on women's issues with passion and conviction which is hard to ignore. On everything else, she makes John Kerry look passionate and caring.
But people will ignore any positives. They'll look at Hillary and see evil. It's a gut reaction, an emotional response, and one you can't fight it with facts or reason. I just can't imagine right wing talk radio. They already think she's a controlling witch, and portray Bill as her neutered lap dog.
And then there's the "rightwing political conspiracy" that's "out to get her". Man, that even gives the most die-hard democrat pause. Today I was in a drug store, and there were two dolls: one of Hillary Clinton, the other of George Bush. You push Hilary's finger and she danced a jig singing about Monica Lewinsky and the aftermath. I almost slunk under the counter. And this BEFORE she is annointed queen bee.
Sigh. What to do, what to do. I'm going to church tomorrow and light a candle. Prayer, I think, is in order.