A Washington, DC press photographer vents about the political wranglings in our Nation's Capital.
Divided, we fail
Published on November 21, 2007 By joe-pro-photographer In Politics
In my last political posting, I suggested Bush was one of the worst Presidents in history. My reasoning was straight forward: no matter what your position on the war in Iraq, his handling of the planning up to war, the execution of the war itself, and the poor after-thought about the conflict's aftermath, make him a nominee for Lousy Prez.

So, many more conservative bloggers took me to task on the intelligence leading up to the war. "No," they write, "hind sight is 20/20, and it's easy to see the intelligence was wrong after the fact."

The problem is,from the beginning, Bush forced the intel to fit his agenda. It's not me who says this, it's a chorus of people from both the right and left. David Kay, former head of the Iraq Survey Group, couldn't believe the lack of intel on WMD's when he started looking for WMD's after the conflict began. And although he had no intel, was given a rag-tag group to look for WMDs, he still thought the wMDs probably existed. As he dug into the reports, he understood how everyone was duped.

The Bush Administration relied on Iraqi exhiles to support the WMD beliefs. Some of these folks hadn't been to Iraq since the first Gulf War. Their intel was more than 10 years old. One was later arrested for accepting money from SH himself, under the oil for food program. He had been a regular visitor at the White House.

A leader doesn't take facts and fit them to his agenda. A leader evaluates facts and reacts to the facts. A leader inspires others to come forward and voice their opinion, even when that opinion is different from theirs. A leader evaluates his team, and watches for power hungry people who can't run their department (read: Rumsfeld), a leader works with the minority and incorporates their concerns, where possible, into his agenda. A leader works within the Constitution. A leader unites and inspires.

Bush did none of these. (Though whether he stepped out of the bounds of the Constitution is open to debate). He took a "you're with us or you're against us" approach.

The uniter turned out to be the ultimate divider.
Comments (Page 13)
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on Nov 24, 2007

Oh, god, I hope not. Surely he can't be that stupid, can he? A three front war?

Send chills down my spine as well...the thought that troops on the ground would be spread so thinly leads me to believe that if Bush declared war on Iran, it would predominantly be an aerial assault to begin with...blanket/cluster bombing 24-7 for weeks on end, and anyone with half a heart/conscience would agree that the collateral damage/loss of human life from that would be unacceptably horrific.

That was the method in the early stages of the Iraq invasion...B52's blanket bombing the crap out of Republican Guard positions, along with anything/everything else nearby or got in the way. To date I still have not seen any kind of satisfactory account as to the fate of those 100,000 plus Iraqi Republican Guards beneath that unseen death raining down upon them. While it may show some respect for the enemy's ability, it shows absolutely no respect for life and/or limb and is no more than an act of brazen cowardice. Had the boot been on the other foot, that's exactly what US troops and politicians no doubt would have called it.

I can think of many, previously great nations, this was the case for, dating back 3,000 years to present. Over and over again, nations fell because (even if their intention was good) they overstretched. I repeat: history should teach us, but I'm afraid it's lessons have been lost.

The over-stretching thing is why I say it'll be open slather blanket bombing if the US declares was on Iran. Again, nothing to be proud of, with more wholesale/indiscriminate killing on a mass scale to completely knock the stuffing out of a technically inferior foe.

Damned intellectuals! That's the crap they teach you in those liberal ass univsersities? f**k (spit) f**k!

Not all intellectuals get/were taught crap in liberal ass universities. Jesus Christ was an intellectual, and he taught the opposite of violent greed and aggression. In fact, like so many other true pacifists throughout history, Christ was persecuted, oppressed and eventually murdered for his non-aggression/pacifist beliefs: so yeah, despite huge steps in science and technology, we have only progressed very minimally in the 2000+ years since. It's not that history's lessons have been lost, it's more that people choose to ignore them unless they're profitable and represent the opposite of what they'd rather do.

Actually, Bush needs the kind of thrashing our (no longer PM) lil Johnny got, and to be replaced by a penguin. Yeah, I know, you shouldn't mix politics and religion, but a nun in the Oval Office might'nt be such a bad idea....one like wot took to John Belushi in the Blues Brothers for cussing. She'd be tough enough to get out the black-board ruler for those pollies who get out of line with war speak, yet good and kind hearted enough to look out for those who need help. Where's Julie(Sound of Music) Andrews when you need her?
on Nov 24, 2007
Unfortunately this is far from over in the middle east. With the discovery of all that natural gas that is below the oil wells we'll be fighting for that area for a long time.
on Nov 24, 2007
It's those facts I thought didn't get a lot of discussion. Unfortunately, this thread has diverted onto everything from SH was a bad man to racist rants about who knows what. My ADD kicks in and I stop reading. It just kicked in now!

Yah. S'what always happens. Hence the joke. Not always thrilled about the execution of the war myself. But having seen what happens when Americans pull out of even one area of Iraq for periods of months, leaving the country is a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad idea. Bad.

Worst president in history though? Come on. Andrew Jackson has him beat blindfolded. I mean he did actual ethnic cleansing for crying out loud. Our how about hoover? He turned loose armor and calvary on our nations vets in the stinking nation's capitol, killing their wives and children. And of course many of the most revered presidents were the most reviled in their day. Of course you have Lincoln, FDR, my grandmother thought that JFK was an abomination (she may have been right, but damn it he looked good), take your pick. Hamilton was nailed for everything from the US bank idea to his very public (thanks to Jefferson's buds) affair, and the insider trading that he used to pay her husband for it. Twenty years from now Bush may look very good in retrospect. He is certainly not the worst president, any more than than Clinton was the antichrist during the years I squirmed under the heel of his pathetic leadership. Jimmy Carter, now there was a bad president. Fair diplomat, decent carpenter, lousy president.
on Nov 25, 2007
Yah. S'what always happens. Hence the joke. Not always thrilled about the execution of the war myself. But having seen what happens when Americans pull out of even one area of Iraq for periods of months, leaving the country is a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad idea. Bad.

What a great response, thank you. I admit to grandstanding here (and it worked). Bush is probably not the WORST President in history, though I'd argue he's in the lower percentage of his class, a familiar place for our friend.

It's time to look forward, rat man is right. Bush is a done, toast. For each day that ticks by, he is more "so last year". Maybe this go 'round we'll do better -- maybe not.

Here's one thing I know: Unfortunately, if we leave Iraq now, we have an implosion on our hands. The Democrats running who say "leave now" are as short sighted as this administration. The Republicans who blindly follow Bush's plan are equally contemptable. I really like Obama and his style, but can't vote for him for this reason. Whatever democrat wins the primary will be expected to run on an anti-war platform. Which means, those of us in the middle, may be forced to vote Republican. Man, does that leave a distaste in my mouth after this administration. If the Republicans put forth a candidate who is very conservative, what does a poor boy like me do???? I couldn't ever vote for Mitt or Fred. I have issues with America's mayors based on his pre-9/11 actions, though would vote for him I think over Hillary.

What a mess. Do you understand what I just wrote? Even after this fiasco, the Democrats are likely to put a candidate forth who a moderate would not vote for. What poll shows that? Wake the f***k up CNN.
on Nov 25, 2007
Unfortunately this is far from over in the middle east. With the discovery of all that natural gas that is below the oil wells we'll be fighting for that area for a long time.

History shows the persians (now this area) fighting the Greeks in, what 600 bc? The Egyptians off and on until the fall of the Egyptian empire with Cleopatra? THAT WAS 2000 years ago. Solutions to this area aren't gonna happen over night, or with the invasion of one nation. Solutions to this area may never happen. We need fresh ideas, approaches, and perspective. Despite my criticism, I give Bush credit for trying something -- at a staggering cost and perhaps stupidly -- a frustrated response? -- but he does deserve some credit for nerve. That and $2 will get you coffee at starbucks (a small).
on Nov 25, 2007
Iraq is Babylon

Iran is Persia
on Nov 25, 2007
Persia was a huge empire, Persia, that included parts of what are now Iran and Afghanistan. It's peak was about 500BC. It was the center of an empire that stretched west to the central Mediterranean Sea, east to India, and from the Gulf of Oman in the southern Russia in the north.

They were allies and enemies, off and on, with the Egyptians for 1,000 years before the birth of Christ. It's a popular misconception that Exodus occurred during Ramesses II, what? 10th century BC? My point is this: These conflicts have been going on for 3,000 years. Think about that compared to our own history. 3,000 years! More than 100X longer than the period between our Revolutionary war and now.

We are only a blip in history when you think this way. Kinda puts things in perspective. Are we writing the future hieroglyphs?
on Nov 25, 2007
Persia was a huge empire,

yes it was. but the persians came from iran.
on Nov 25, 2007
No,persia was before Iran, Iran came from Persia. But, I don't see the difference. My point is turmoil has been going on in the region for 3000 years, and will likely continue. We are a blip on the radar. Hard to think of ourselves that way.
on Nov 25, 2007
Hard to think of ourselves that way.

When you look at the thoughts and deeds of Hammurabi WWW Link (6th king of Babylon), King Bush is rather primitive in his treatment of others.
on Nov 25, 2007
No,persia was before Iran, Iran came from Persia. But, I don't see the difference. My point is turmoil has been going on in the region for 3000 years, and will likely continue. We are a blip on the radar. Hard to think of ourselves that way.

no i agree with you. but as i said we are the oldest republic every
on Nov 25, 2007
Well, there was Greece. And Rome. 'Course, Rome had Caesar -- that ended the true republic. I wonder if there are any historical figures that compare to Caesar, running off and conquering foreign empires including Persia...God knows there are plenty of Judas!

No, no, I'm not really going there. It's a joke. I feel I better clarify.

It is kinda funny, though, just a little bit? I'm snickering. I don't believe George Bush is anywhere NEAR a Caesar.

But imagine what Col. Gene would say!
on Nov 25, 2007
OK, I know this thread has gone from Bush, to Persia, to Israel to ...geezo peazo. But I really want 200 responses. So, someone come up with more. Who wants to Hillary bash????
on Nov 25, 2007

In all of my 37 years living in Australia, I can NOT recall a single shooting in an Australian school, but sadly, it's a common occurrence in the US and kids.

starkers....Footscray Tech [University it's called these days] a year or three ago.  Certainly not quite Columbine, though....

on Nov 25, 2007
I am extremely amused. Many are putting up other countries that the US should have intervened or the Coalition should have intervened. Hit Rewind! Everyone was bleating about Kurds and Shia being gassed and murdered in Iraq. Everyone was bleating about Saddam not complying with the Sixteen resolutions he was in defiance of for twelve years. Intervention was made. Saddam was knocked off his perch. And the great human knocking machine started. Civilians need to get some points through their concrete like minds. People die in interventions. Troops die. And civilians will always get caught in the crossfire when the enemy insists on hiding behind them or insists on wearing civilian clothing. Terrorists currently want ALL other faiths other than theirs dead. They are not interested in talking. On a battle field if anything moves it gets shot at....why?....he who hesitates dies of lead poisoning. If you want intervention then grasp the realities and quit whining when someone dies. It is going to happen. It is a given. Yes it is sad, yes it is painful, yes it would be nice if they could count up to ten and start playing war again. Problem is real war is no game and sometimes in order to achieve good for the majority and for the greater good some people need to die.
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