A Washington, DC press photographer vents about the political wranglings in our Nation's Capital.
and the worst in history
Published on November 19, 2007 By joe-pro-photographer In Politics
[I]"The reasons why we went to war in Iraq don't matter any more, we are there and that mission is accomplished."[/I]

That's a quote from a fellow blogger, buried under 99 other responses. Of course, I think he's wrong. The reasons we went to war in Iraq are central to our mission, and those reasons are changed and manipulated at the whim of this administration.

Measures of success, in a similar fashion, are "evolved".

Today, Bush cites the lower death tolls and levels of violence as his barometer of success. Never mind these numbers, when they were bad, were classified by this administration and kept from the American people. Never mind that photos of our soldiers, those who were killed in the ultimate sacrafice for our country, were hidden from view (and the photographers vilified.) Never mind that we seem to prop up the least likely leaders in a country whose termoil reaches back to about 400 ad, if not beyond. Never mind Bush seeks the advice of the Saudis (since before Bush was even elected)to shape his form policy. (wording is deliberate).

The reasons we went to war in Iraq are key. Those reasons set the framework of what our goals -- and measures of success -- should be. By losing view of those reasons, we muddle around in waters that should be crystal clear. Perhaps it is this lack of vision which leads to scandals like Abu Grab. Perhaps it is because we are blinded by confusion we can't see the forest for the trees. When our truest beliefs -- that freedom and justice and a certain moral action -- are shoved aside in the name of security is counter-American.

That's why I believe this administration, no matter what the outcome of the Iraq war, will be viewed as one of the worse in our more than 200 year history. I believe this Administration is unamerican.

Response? None will be deleted. That, also, is UnAmerican.
on Nov 21, 2007
will be viewed as one of the worse in our more than 200 year history.

i see we have already changed your view slightly
on Nov 22, 2007
Actually, this is the same article as the other, just with a different title. It got lost in cyber space and I reposted it, then it reappeared again after our thread started on the other. Now, I don't know how to delete it.
on Nov 22, 2007
Welcome to JU and all its wonderful glitches, like article eating, article repeating, disappearing edit buttons, multi-posts, a nonfunctioning blacklist, no 'ignore' feature, a psychotic (and easily manipulated) points system....I LOVE THIS PLACE!

Amen. The inconsistencies bring me back more than almost anything else.

Hey Joe, how's your partner? Out of the hospital yet?
on Nov 22, 2007
Actually, this is the same article as the other, just with a different title. It got lost in cyber space and I reposted it, then it reappeared again after our thread started on the other. Now, I don't know how to delete it.

no in the other thread you said he would go down as worst. in this one you say he might.
on Nov 23, 2007
Thanks for the advice, but I'm not quite done with all I have to say on the subject of GW. I think my last post is the last for a while: Why W is the best president ever. On that subject, anyway. I think next I want to explore each candidate, republican and democrat.

My partner is OUT OF THE HOSPITAL and doing really well, thanks for asking. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder.

Very perceptive, Daniel. The article disappeared for a while and then popped back up. Sigh. I reconstructed it from the original file, but played around with the title. It's a fine point, but thanks for noticing.

Gotta run! I get into trouble with family for spending to much time with online debates. Gotta keep them happy! Peace,
on Nov 23, 2007
i have said this and will continue to say this. every elected official in Washington needs to be replaced. and further every one that is a position of authority that has been hired/appointed needs to be fired and replaced.
on Nov 23, 2007
I think GWB needs to just take over the government, declare himself President for life, disband congress, declare the Democratic party a known terrorist organization, dismiss the three liberal votes on SCOTUS, then we will truly have a nation that will please everyone.
on Nov 23, 2007
(Citizen)ModeratemanNovember 23, 2007 15:22:42Reply #8
I think GWB needs to just take over the government, declare himself President for life, disband congress, declare the Democratic party a known terrorist organization, dismiss the three liberal votes on SCOTUS, then we will truly have a nation that will please everyone.

Thank you Saddan!